Vive a Vida, NÃO a Desperdices

A Entre Culturas - APAC

É uma associação de jovens para jovens, sem fins lucrativos, fundada em Lisboa no ano de 1994.

Tem como principal objectivo a criação e a promoção de
programas inter culturais para jovens, a nível Nacional e Internacional, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento entre os países, e num melhor relacionamento entre as Comunidades Portuguesas espalhadas pelo Mundo, alargando os conhecimentos dos jovens em termos sócio – culturais e académicos.

quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2006


The Viver Portugal Program is dedicated to all the young people with Portuguese heritage living in country of the world. The program has a main priority the possibility to give young people with Portuguese heritage a chance to learn more about Portuguese values as well as the possibility to live in direct contact with cultural, linguistic, economical and social characteristics of Portuguese society.

For more informations go to


Supported by IPJ - Instituto português da Juventude

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Anónimo disse...

Hi to everyone...
I was been in Portugal about two months ago and had a personal contact with a great person, Patrocinia Coelho the President of Entre Culturas, she have a great heart she's a great person :)
In the day of my arrivel at the aeroport of Lisbon i had a great surprise she was waiting for me(by the way my name is Kevin and I'm from New Zeland)with my new "family", they whore wonderful my "father" Joaquim and my "mother" Maria and "my sister" Ana and don't forget the dog(the great dog)Bobby. I had the time of my life with them, they took me at the most different places in Lisbon, like museums, theatres, and so on... they are an exepcional family.
I just want to thank´s to Entre Culturas and to Patrocinia tank you for a excepcional time in Portugal see you soon i hope.

Sincerious your´s Kevin

