Vive a Vida, NÃO a Desperdices

A Entre Culturas - APAC

É uma associação de jovens para jovens, sem fins lucrativos, fundada em Lisboa no ano de 1994.

Tem como principal objectivo a criação e a promoção de
programas inter culturais para jovens, a nível Nacional e Internacional, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento entre os países, e num melhor relacionamento entre as Comunidades Portuguesas espalhadas pelo Mundo, alargando os conhecimentos dos jovens em termos sócio – culturais e académicos.

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009

“Youth in Action” Photography Contest

1. Contest description
The “Youth in Action” Photography Contest is part of the Tool Fair – IV edition, and it is open until the 5th of November. The exhibition of the selected photos will take place on the mentioned event between 11 and 15 of November 2009.

2. Goals of the Competition:
a) Disseminate, through photography, the various Actions and activities promoted by the “Youth in Action” Program, and the Good practices that are associated to it.
b) To foment the interest for photography as a vehicle for artistic creation and privileged mean of communication.

3. How to participate.
3.1. Participants.
All beneficiaries of the Youth in Action Program may apply to this competition, with the exception of the members of the Tool Fair organization, as well as the members of the jury themselves.
3.2. Number of photographs.
Each applicant cannot submit more than three images to the competition.
3.3. Characteristics of the photographs.
Photographs may be in colour or in Black and white, presented in JPEG, TIFF or Gif formats, with the minimum dimensions of 20cm x 30cm, (200 DP’s).
Artificially manipulated photographs may not be presented, being accepted only slight corrections of colour or light (Levels and contrasts), removing of “red eyes” or re-framings.
In certain cases, the original document/film has to be presented for analysis and confirmation, if required by the jury.
3.4. Information.
For each photograph, the following information has to be referred on the e-mail:
a) Author’s complete name;
b) Youthlink reference of the project (Name of the Action and Activity within the “Youth in Action Program”)
c) Name of the Region/Country in which the photograph has been taken.
d) Author’s contacts (e-mail and direct phone number);
3.5. Sending of the photographs.
Photographs must be sent, Via Internet, to the e-mail: or
Photographs sent via land postage will not be accepted.
3.6. Deadline to send the photos.
Dead-line for the sending of the photographs is the 05th November 2009.

4. Jury
The Jury for the Competition is composed by:
- An element from the National Agency for the Management of the Youth in Action Program;
- An element from the Portuguese Youth Institute;
- An element from SALTO;

5. Pre-selection.
30 (thirty) photographs will be elected to be showed during the Tool Fair 2009, in Évora. All participants enrolled in the event are able to vote, and thus, join their votes to the ones of the elements of the Jury.

6. Award
6.1 The award will be a digital camera.

7. General.
The participation in this competition implies the full knowledge and acceptance of the conditions here-by exposed in this Regulation.

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